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- /**********************************************
- VersionCopy v2.0
- Checking version numbers before copying.
- For use with directoryopus.
- $VER: VersionCopy 2.0 (9.8.94)
- **********************************************/
- options results
- lf='0a'x;chk=1
- status 3;nr=result
- status 9 nr;turns=result
- do turns
- call routine
- end
- return
- Routine:
- /****************
- Get sourcename
- ****************/
- getnextselected;filename=result
- status 3;winnr=result
- status 13 winnr;source=result
- /**********************
- Get destination path
- **********************/
- if winnr=1 then winnr2=0
- if winnr=0 then winnr2=1
- status 13 winnr2;dest=result
- /***************************
- Check for duplicate files
- ***************************/
- if exists(dest||filename)=0 then do;call copyfile;return;end
- /**************************************
- Get version for source & destination
- **************************************/
- address command 'c:version "'source||filename'" full >t:dopustemp.tmp0'
- address command 'c:version "'dest||filename'" full >t:dopustemp.tmp1'
- open('file0',"t:dopustemp.tmp0")
- line0=readln('file0')
- ver0=word(line0,2)
- open('file1',"t:dopustemp.tmp1")
- line1=readln('file1')
- ver1=word(line1,2)
- if ver0="not" & ver1="not" then;do;call copyfile;return;end
- if ver0="not" then ver0=" - "
- if ver1="not" then ver1=" - "
- /*******************
- Get creation date
- *******************/
- p2=index(line0,')');p1=index(line0,'(');len=p2-p1+1
- if p1*p2=0 then do;date0="";p1=1;p2=0;end
- if p2>p1 then date0=right(line0,len)
- p2=index(line1,')');p1=index(line1,'(');len=p2-p1+1
- if p1*p2=0 then do;date1="";p1=1;p2=0;end
- if p2>p1 then date1=right(line1,len)
- if length(date0)<12 then do
- line0=readln('file0')
- p2=index(line0,')');p1=index(line0,'(');len=p2-p1+1
- if p1*p2=0 then do;date0="(Unknown Date)";p1=1;p2=0;end
- if p2>p1 then date0=left(line0,len);end
- if length(date1)<12 then do
- line1=readln('file1')
- p2=index(line1,')');p1=index(line1,'(');len=p2-p1+1
- if p1*p2=0 then do;date1="(Unknown Date)";p1=1;p2=0;end
- if p2>p1 then date1=left(line1,len,0);end
- if length(date0)<5^length(date0)>18 then date0="(Unknown Date)"
- if length(date1)<5^length(date1)>18 then date1="(Unknown Date)"
- /***********
- Requester
- ***********/
- toptext 'VersionCopy found duplicate file - "'filename'"'
- status 27;old_cancel=result
- status 27 set "Skip"
- request ' New version: 'ver0' 'date0' '||lf' Old version: 'ver1' 'date1' '||lf||lf'Do you want to continue?'
- if ~result=1 then do;close('file0');close('file1');end
- if ~result=0 then call copyfile
- status 27 set old_cancel
- selectfile filename 0 1
- Return
- /**************
- Copy routine
- **************/
- copyfile:
- copy filename
- close('file0')
- close('file1')
- selectfile filename 0 1
- return
- /**/